16 November 2017

Since 2010 we have been on a mission to empower people to take active steps to prevent bowel cancer. Early detection through screening is an integral part of bowel cancer prevention.

We were thrilled to see this consensus-based recommendation included in Australia’s new medical guidelines on bowel cancer screening:

In people aged 45–49 years who request screening after being fully informed of the benefits and harms of testing, general practitioners (GPs) could offer an immunochemical faecal occult blood test (screening test) every 2 years before they are eligible for screening through the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program at age 50 years.

We urge all Australian adults to be aware of bowel cancer and consider whether screening before the recommended age of 50 is right for you.

Given your risk increases during your 40s, if you are seeing your GP take the time to ask them about bowel screening. For more information, click here.