28 March 2023
Last week Chelsea Rodrigues sadly passed away from bowel cancer, following 17 months of treatment. Her impact at Cult Design and within the Australian design community was profound and her spirit and legacy will remain.
Cult Founder and CEO Richard Munao wrote a beautiful tribute for Chelsea:
“Chelsea has been a much loved, incredible and highly valued member of our team for over seven years.
Based in our Melbourne showroom, she started in our retail team and from her first day displayed her caring and loving character for all that she met and worked with, her passion for her role and for the business.
Over the years her brightness and positivity never wavered, her passion for design infectious, making a lasting impression on those she met.

During her time with Cult, Chelsea showed her commitment and love for her role by taking on many challenges including contributing to strengthening the residential business with the retail and A+D community. She saw my passion for nau and helped me build it. She also took on the styling of the Melbourne showroom with great success.

Chelsea was responsible for the execution of many of our events in Melbourne, even though they were tiring and on top of her ‘day’ job, demonstrating her love for entertaining and creating a buzz. She brought people together and facilitated fun; all with poise and sophistication.

During her time working with us she was responsible for many wonderful residential and contract projects. This extended to strong relationships with her clients, with some developing into friendships; something we talked about often as she was very proud of her achievements as was I having witnessed her professional growth since that first day with us. She always went above and beyond in business, as a colleague and a loyal friend. I cherish my time working with her and our friendship.

Some of my fondest memories are being ‘on tour’ with Chelsea in Copenhagen and Milan, where she was a proud ambassador for the Cult team. Some might even say her Italian accent was better than mine.

I always looked forward to seeing Chelsea on my visits to Melbourne, always greeting me with that beautiful smile, laughter and a warm hug. I miss that.

I know Chelsea is loved by many of our team and clients that worked with her over her career with us. The relationships she has created and fostered are a true testament to Chelsea’s loving, caring and beautiful character. A truly wonderful person, continuing to care for and be concerned for others until her passing.

I am so grateful to have known Chelsea and will cherish the experiences and memories she created. I will miss her, we will miss her, the world will miss her.

Thank you to our extended Cult family, brand partners and design community who have supported Chelsea over the past 18 months, and for all your thoughts, wishes and continued support in the wake of her passing.”

Bowel cancer is now the leading cancer killer in 25-34 year-olds and the second most common cause of cancer-related death in Australia.
We are educating Australians to take action to protect themselves from bowel cancer, so that we can turn these terrible statistics around. Get to know the symptoms of bowel cancer and speak with your GP immediately if you think something might not be right. Look out for:
– blood in your stool
– changes in bowel movements
– abdominal pain, gas and bloating
– tiredness and fatigue
– unexplained weight loss.
Unfortunately, bowel cancer often presents with no symptoms at all, so screening and knowing your family history is very important in increasing your chances of early detection.
Vale Chelsea Rodrigues
08.09.1989 – 21.03.2023