1 October 2020
We are proud to announce our newest ambassador Dr Michela Sorensen.
Dr Michela Sorenson’s approach to healthcare focuses on sharing knowledge and, in doing so, empowering individuals and communities to enhance their overall wellbeing – a perfect fit with the Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation’s mission to empower Australians to take active steps to prevent bowel cancer.

Michela is passionate about supporting the Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation for many reasons. Firstly, a good friend of hers was friends with Jodi Lee. The Lee family’s story of losing someone close resonated strongly with Michela, as she lost her 50-year-old mother to stomach cancer. Michela was 20-years-old and in her second year of medical school. Her brother, 21, and father, all mourned her passing.

Additionally, her very close friend was diagnosed with bowel cancer at age 39. Thankfully, 21 years later, this friend is fighting fit and continues to be like a second mother to Michela.

We are so pleased to have Michela on board and sharing her knowledge and passion in raising awareness for the Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation.

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