31 March 2015

Our Little Black Dress Classic cycling event is over for another year and was a huge success, raising much needed funds and awareness for bowel cancer.

Our incredible team of riders covered a total of 950kms, traveling from Coffs Harbour through Nymboida, Wooli, Yamba and Byron Bay, then over the Queensland border to the Gold Coast.

Veteran riders on the team have told us it was the toughest Classic yet. Each day had its own challenges but hats off to our team who showed incredible grit and determination, especially on the epic climbs to Dorrigo and Mount Tamborine!

As always our little black tutus didn’t fail to impress, turning many heads along the way.

There were plenty of opportunities along the route to chat to locals about the Foundation and the importance of screening for the early detection of bowel cancer.

The Little Black Dress Classic has raised over $65,000 so far and donations are still flowing in. It was a truly sensational experience for all involved, thanks to our dedicated cyclists, amazing event team and committed support crew.

To see the names and faces of our team click here.

We’ve captured some brilliant moments of the event and will be sharing them with you soon!