Author Archives: Jodi Lee Foundation

Who do you know?

This year, an estimated 17,000 Australians will be diagnosed with bowel cancer. Stephen Kernahan knows someone. Who do you know? Thank you to Stephen Kernahan

We’re on Instagram!

We’re having fun with our new Instagram page. You can find us by searching @jodileefdn. If you love Instagram as much as we do, please


Our #iknowsome1 t-shirts have arrived! They’re part of our campaign with the AFL to raise awareness about bowel cancer. Watch this space ….  

Coates Hire

The Corporate Bowel Screening Program fitted in well with our ongoing health promotion activities and the subsequent results more than justified the low costs incurred.

Carlton Football Club

Our team is proud to support The Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation to help raise awareness of bowel cancer. Last season, Nick Lee came into

SA Hiking Challenge

We held our first ever SA Hiking Challenge in the stunning Flinders Ranges on the weekend, navigating our way over the first 80 kms of