23 October 2015

Accolade Wines is committed to caring for the health and wellbeing of its employees.

“Accolade Wines introduced The Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation’s Workplace Prevention Program to its 2015 Wellbeing Calendar to raise awareness of this important health issue among employees and promote the early detection of bowel cancer. The initiative was rolled out nationally and we were delighted Nick Lee was available to share the powerful story behind the Foundation at our Australian sites.

“Our employees responded positively with many choosing to take a screening test, and at least one life, that we know of, was saved as a result of the initiative. Given Australia has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world, we strongly recommend other employers consider the program.

“It makes sense at a range of levels. You can do something very important to help your employees and also deliver some more pragmatic outcomes in terms of avoiding days off with serious sickness and the impact that has on the business and fellow employees.”

Paul Schaafsma,  Chief Executive Officer, Accolade Wines