27 November 2015

Congratulations to the top three schools with the highest participation in Kay-A-Day!

Three South Australian primary schools will be recognised for best participation in our inaugural Kay-A-Day initiative, designed to get kids moving to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases later in life.

Playford Primary, Glen Osmond Primary, and Westbourne Park Primary schools had the highest ratio of students take part, and will each receive a $1,000 Bank SA cash prize.

Playford Primary School topped the list with all 750 students getting involved in Kay-A-Day, which launched in schools at the start of Term 4.

Thousands of students from eight South Australian schools took part, running one kilometre a day for 21 days – the distance of a half marathon.

The feedback from our first year has been fantastic, with teachers reporting high levels of student engagement, and parents noticing improved fitness levels in their children.

Some schools have even continued a daily running program beyond Kay-A-Day, which is great to see.  A special thanks to our sponsor Bank SA.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three individual fundraisers courtesy of BounceINC. Winners will be announced December 4.

Visit our Kay-A-Day website here.