12 August 2020

Ten years ago this month the Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation was founded by Nick Lee, Tiffany Young and Alistair Cavil.

For the past decade we have been raising awareness of bowel cancer and spreading our key messages –  screen regularly from age 50, act on symptoms, know your family history and be healthy.

Looking back we are proud of what we have been able to achieve. Two national advertising campaigns, The JLF Treks, Little Black Dress parties, our workplace program, Kay-A-Day initiative, Trust Your Gut campaign, marathons and much more have all helped to raise awareness of bowel cancer in Australia – and save lives.

None of this would have been possible without the continued support from our community. We have worked with our very first Patron – Ita Buttrose, amazing board members, corporate partners, ambassadors, service providers and JLF team members. Thank you to everyone who has got behind us in anyway and has allowed us to be 10 years strong.

Bowel cancer affects thousands of Australians every year and many lives have been lost. But it can be prevented – please take steps to protect yourself.

Here’s to many more years spreading awareness and saving lives.