15 February 2023

If you’re in South Australia, you can recycle your 10¢ refundable bottles, cans and containers with @directcollectofficial and help support the Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation, just like our Founder & Chair Nick Lee OAM.

Take the leg-work out of collecting 10c deposit items at home or work, by outsourcing it to Direct Collect.

Simply create an account for your business or residence on the Direct Collect website, select the ‘Donation Plan’ and choose the Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation as your nominated charity.

You’ll be sent a Direct Collect bin to fill with 10¢ refundable bottles, cans & containers.

When your bin is full, request a collection and you’ll then be sent a new Direct Collect bin to fill. They’ll take the bin away, process the container refunds at their collection point and deposit the money straight into our account.

Your small change can make a big difference. That’s recycling for good!

To find out more, visit the Direct Collect website: https://www.direct-collect.com.au/

Thank you to Direct Collect for having us on board as a charity partner.