15 January 2019


On Wednesday 16 January, it will be 9 years since Jodi’s passing. Jodi’s story has shone a light on bowel cancer prevention.

With no family history or symptoms, the diagnosis of a tumour that had all but blocked Jodi’s bowel hit Jodi and Nick hard. She was only 39.

After a successful operation to remove the tumour, they received the worst news possible – the cancer had spread to Jodi’s lymph nodes and liver. At best, she only had two years to live.

The hardest thing was telling their young children Jack and Arabella that their Mum was going to die. Jodi was 41 when she passed away on 16 January 2010. Jodi’s smile, sparkling eyes and wicked sense of humour drew people to her. She is deeply missed.

The saddest part of Jodi’s story is that it could have been different if her bowel cancer was detected early.

With that simple fact as our driving force, Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation was established in 2010.

Today, 9 years on, we continue to share Jodi’s story as it resonates with so many people and impacts thousands of lives.

Heart, soul and the ability to connect are central to Jodi’s story. It also provides a vehicle for others to tell their story and help us raise awareness about this preventable disease.

Making a positive lifestyle change, setting a physical challenge, acting on symptoms, receiving an early detection result… these new stories we hear from people everyday influence and ultimately change behaviour.

Jodi’s legacy lives on through her story. Your story can live through the Foundation.


Enjoy a fun, relaxed day in the sun… all for a good cause! Barefoot bowls for Bowel Cancer promises to be a great day out. Get your team together and join our CEO, Kathryn Quintel, who will lead this fabulous fundraising event.

  • Tickets $20 per head
  • Teams of 4
  • No experience necessary
  • Play 12 ends
  • Bring your own lawn bowls if you can
  • Includes: morning tea, lunch and afternoon snack
  • Purchase drinks over the bar
  • Raffles and auction items

Barefoot bowls is a social, fun event where you play lawn bowls – as the name implies – without shoes!

The Port Elliot Bowling Club is located in a spectacular setting on the stunning Horseshoe Bay on the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia. Click here to find out more and book your tickets today!


Catherine Ross and her Research4Riney team have been incredible supporters of the Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation over the past year. In September 2017, they entered a team for The JLF Trek VIC and raised an incredible $37,938. Then in April 2018 they held the Research4Riney Gala Dinner where they raised a whopping $143,045 that was divided between us, Bowel Cancer Australia and Peter McCallum Cancer Foundation. In September 2018 the Research4Riney team raised $42,186 whilst participating in The JLF Trek VIC. We wish Catherine so much love and courage as she continues on her journey. Read Catherine’s story here.


Most people with bowel cancer do not have a family history. But if one or more of your relatives have been diagnosed with bowel cancer, you may have an increased risk. Talk to your GP today. Read more.