National Bowel Cancer Screening Program/
Free bowel screening is available in Australia through the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
Through the program, Australians between the ages of 45 and 74 are invited to take a free bowel screening test every two years, noting that 45-49 year olds will need to opt into the program, whereas 50-74 year olds will automatically receive the test in the mail every two years.
You are eligible to take part if you hold a Medicare card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs card.
Read more about the importance of bowel screening and understanding your test results here.
The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program is managed by the National Cancer Screening Register.
To contact the Register:
Telephone 1800 627 701
You will be sent an invitation to screen every two years around the time of your birthday, however it can take up to six months.
For those aged 45-49, you can now access the FREE bowel screening test by opting in to the NBCSP here:
If you live in hotter areas of Australia your invitation will be sent during the cooler months of the year.
Invitations are posted to the address listed in your Medicare record, so make sure your details are up to date.
Unless you opt out of the program, you will receive your screening test in the mail approximately four to six weeks later.
To request a replacement test, contact the National Cancer Screening Register.
It is possible to opt out of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program or defer your next screening date.
People may choose to opt out for reasons such as cancer treatment or having regular colonoscopies because of a heightened risk of bowel cancer.
Some people defer participation in the program for health reasons or due to extended travel.
To defer or opt out of the program, contact the National Cancer Screening Register.