4 December 2013

Missed our December newsletter? Don’t worry, you can catch up on what we’ve been up to here.

In the past few months, two people have contacted us to say thank you for encouraging them to take a bowel screening test. Their specialists told them they were very lucky to have acted now. It’s so rewarding to know that our message is saving lives.

Last week Nick was fortunate to attend the National EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award Ceremony in Sydney, where he was in the running for the social entrepreneur category. He was honoured to be a part of the event and it was an incredible opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs from across the country. The social entrepreneur of the year was awarded to Professor Stephen MacMahon of The George Institute for Global Health. A little bit disappointing for us, but a very well deserved award for Professor MacMahon!

If you’re in Adelaide this week, we’d love to see you and your friends at our Ashes BBQ Breakfast. It will be a sensational way to start the weekend. The first four people to email and buy tickets to our event will receive a double-pass to the cricket on Sunday, valued at $150. The seats are in the new southern grandstand.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. If you haven’t already done so, please put bowel screening at the top of your New Year’s resolution list. This simple test might just save your life.

Yu can read our full newsletter here.