17 November 2014

Another life saved through our Corporate Bowel Screening Program and an employer’s commitment to staff health and wellbeing.

Kym was a 39 year old husband and father of two young children, fortunate enough to work for Kennett Builders – a company focused on employee health and wellbeing. This focus has had a life-changing impact on Kym’s life, and that of his friends and family.

He was offered a screening test when his workplace took part in our Corporate Bowel Screening Program, and decided to take the test for peace of mind, even though he had no family history of bowel cancer and wasn’t showing any symptoms. Kym’s test came back positive, and he was sent to a specialist for a colonoscopy.

A single polyp was removed during the procedure, which was found to be clear of cancer. However, Kym’s doctor told him that had he waited until he was 50 to take a bowel screening test, it would have been too late. He had no doubt the polyp would have developed into bowel cancer.

Kym now has a plan in place for future follow-ups and and is so grateful for opportunity to take part in the Program.

To find out more about screening in your workplace click here.