Dahlia Matkovic / Youth Ambassador

Dahlia was just 27 years old and the healthiest she had ever been when she was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

On 1 October 2018, a week after passing blood in her stool for the first time, she noticed her stool had become pure blood and she went to the doctor immediately. The doctor ultimately saved her life, recommending she have a colonoscopy straightaway. It was then that Dahlia found out she had bowel cancer.

Dahlia is on a mission to connect with fellow young bowel cancer patients around the world with ‘Chemo Themeo’ documenting her chemotherapy treatments, dressing up as Marilyn Monroe, Evil Chem-Evil, a belly dancer and a lifesaver to help bring good humour and smiles whilst undergoing treatment. She regularly posts photos on her Instagram page showing her ileostomy bag to educate, break the stigma and normalise her life.

Dahlia says that she wants to encourage people, no matter their age, that if there is something not quite right to seek medical help.

She is also a co-host with fellow Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Ambassador Hugo Toovey on Hugo’s podcast ‘25StayAlive’.

Read Dahlia’s journey in detail here.