20 March 2021
Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation National Advisory Board member Rey Makkar, became involved with the Foundation through The JLF Workplace Program. Later, his sister Dahlia, aged 27, discovered she had bowel cancer.
Dahlia noticed she was passing blood in her stool. Then one day she noticed her stool had become pure blood and immediately went to seek medical help. The doctor ultimately saved her life, recommending she have a colonoscopy immediately. It was then that Dahlia found out she had bowel cancer.
Dahlia is now one of our JLF Youth Ambassadors. Her journey gave Rey an intimate understanding of the importance of prevention, and the value of being conscious of our body and lifestyle.
“I am a keen (but certainly amateur) runner and want to be able to align my business, athletic interests and personal history to advance increased awareness on the important goals and mission of the Jodi Lee Bowel Cancer Foundation – to raise awareness for the prevention and early detection of bowel cancer”.
Rey will run the Canberra marathon on 11 April, fundraising for the Foundation.
Donate to support his efforts in raising awareness for the prevention and early detection of bowel cancer.